Sim Card Registration Process, Philippines

Sim Card Registration Process

The Philippine Congress had ratified the Simcard Registration Act (House Bill 5793 and Senate Bill 2395) or “An Act Eradicating Mobile Phone, Internet Or Electronic Communication-Aided Criminal Activities, Mandating For This Purpose Ownership Registration Of All SIM Cards For Electronic Devices And Social Media Accounts.” which will require telco companies to register all sim cards before the public consumption. The measure is now awaiting President Rodrigo Duterte's signature.

Since the bill is awaiting the signature of the Philippine President, the telco company and the NTC has no guidelines yet on how people with existing sim card can register. As of April 15, 2022 the Philippine president President Duterte vetoes a bill requiring people to register their ownership of SIM cards, saying he does not agree with the bill's inclusion of social media registration.

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