National ID, Online Registration Appointment

National ID, Online Registration Appointment
Queries: National ID Online Registration Philippines | Philsys Pre-registration | National ID Online Registration Appointment 

This is a step-by-step process on how to get the Philippine National ID with picture instruction. The Philippines has launched its online and onsite registration of National ID to accommodate millions of Filipinos and to expedite the registration process. The aim of the Philippine government of this project is to establish a single national identification system that aims to provide a valid proof of identity for Filipino citizens and resident aliens of the Philippines, signed by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte on 06 August 2018.

Filipinos and resident aliens can now be registered and book appointments online through this website [] [click here] 
Here is the step-by-step procedure of online registration with the picture below.

National ID
Step 1, Click proceed 

National ID
Step 2, Enter your active mobile number, check the square [I'm not a robot] 
Click, [Send OTP]
Wait for the OTP to arrive, it may take up to 5 minutes.
If no OTP arrived you can change the number and repeat the process.

National ID
Your OTP is the six-digit number sent to your mobile number from PSA

National ID
Step 3, Type your OTP and wait for the system to process.
A verify button will appear then click.

National ID
Step 4, Read the privacy notice. Scroll down and check the [I Agree] button
Click, [Continue]

National ID
Step 5, Fill in all the information needed.
 An asterisk sign [ * ] indicates importance.  
Check the square [same as the present if the address] if your current and present is the same otherwise leave it blank.
Click, [Next] to proceed.

National ID
Step 6. Preview all the information you type in, Including spelling. 
You can Click, [Back] if you have noticed a typographical error.
Click, [Next] to proceed.

National ID
Step 7,  Choose the nearest PSA satellite offices that you like [Mark the circle]
Click, [Choose Schedule]
A scheduler will appear 
Select the date and time you want to visit the PSA satellite office.
Click, [Proceed]

National ID
A printable appointment slip will pop up showing your appointment slip.
On the right side, it has QR Code 

National ID
Step 8, Scroll down your appointment slip and Click, [Print/ Download PDF]
Save it to your flash drive and print a hard copy. 
You will be needing it on your appointment date.
Click, [Finish] After downloading.

National ID
Step 9, Click [YES] if you want to register another application (family member)
Note: The mobile number you used in the registration holds the personal information of a person you've registered. 

National ID

Step 10, Logout into your account 

Important Reminders:
On the date of your appointment, please don't wear makeup. Bring one valid government ID, If you don't have a government ID you can bring a PSA Birth Certificate. Present your appointment slip to the attendant in the PSA satellite office of your choice together with your valid ID. They will give you a Form to fill in. After filing in submit the form to the biometric station. There, they will collect your 10 fingers prints, capture a picture of both eyes using an apparatus like a telescope, a half-body picture of yourself, finally, they will ask you where they can deliver your National ID after the printing. It may take 6 months to process. 

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