
About The Site 

Moments Motion is a blog site that aims to answer topics related to; making money, technology, education, tricks and tips, and social issues. We provide first-hand review experience, factual topics, and opinion journalism that could connect to the reader's search needs. Our objective is to serve our audience in solving their search concern and be part of a healthy information ecosystem for the betterment of the world we have today.

About The Author

Hi, I am Richard Lapinao, the creator/admin/author of this site. I'm a person with such love and interest in writing, it started back in 2016 when I commence my interest in blogging. The year 2020 with so much uncertainty pushes me to develop this blog site. Since then, one of my dreams is to have a platform to share my day-to-day experienced, having this is one of the most fulfilling things I ever made. Moments Motion was officially launched on July 7, 2020. 
Hi, It's me 😘

"Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it"


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