Active Learning: Understanding Business Management Degree

Active Learning Business Management

Why Study Business & Management? Learning Business is in the form of many courses, may it be Business Management, Business Administration, or Entrepreneurial Management.

In this topic, I will be sharing with you the difference between BM & BA, If you are thinking of studying BSBM or BSBA, this post may help you. The deference of Business Management to Business Administration is quite confusing, On the surface, the two-degree paths are similar both are four-year degrees, both offered almost the same major like Marketing, Operations, Finance, Economics, and Human Resources.

Technically speaking studying Business Management (BSBM) is essential to the organization that holds critical personnel, students are taught the course work include Business Communication, Basic Accounting, Business Law and Taxation, The Principle of Management, Marketing, Operations, and the like. Generally, Business Management is centered on planning and organizing. On the other hand, Business Administration (BSBA) can have different & broader specializations. Students can focus on more practical applications, such as Finance, Marketing, Economics, and Operations. The BS Administration is focusing on making sure that the activities of a business are running properly.


"Jack of all trade," meaning you learned broader enough, and the "master of none" is you don't get any of the essential aspects that you need to learn and apply. So I Suggest choosing your major correctly.

Now that you can already differentiate the two, I will share my experience in Business Management. Let's start with the subject that you need to have a focus on. As discussed above, studying BM requires you to understand accounting principles from Accounting 1, 2, Cost accounting, and Managerial Accounting. These subjects will teach you to understand the flow of Business Finances; your assets, liabilities, and equities. In layman's terms, it's about understanding your finances is your company gaining or losing? Accounting is too broad so be attentive to this subject. 

Does the Business Law and Taxation, sound painful? ya, it is! The subject will teach you about the legalities of transactions in the business world, questions like, what is a contract is, how to enter a deal, what is an obligation is? That's are some questions in business law. As far as I remember, the word obligation is defined as, to give to do and not to do. So, technically speaking, it's about you and your business the product or services, and the legalities bound in a given time. This subject is interesting because you will be able to learn the law, you will also learn about Income Taxation; it is a simple computation of taxis like Value-added Tax (VAT12%) and income tax. some of the subjects in BM are; Quality Management, Marketing Management, Human-Resources Management, Operations Management, Inventory Management, Logistics Management, and a lot more that I'm sure you will be loving to learn. 

Business Management is not as hard as any courses you think, it's fun to learn! At the end of your course, I'm pretty sure you won't be able and settle working in a corporate world, and I assure you once you've learned Business Management the hunger to strive and to start your own brand or business will flourish, I'm hoping for your success! But for now, study first enjoys your stay in school to make sure that you will learn and grow to become a responsible member of society so that sooner or later, you will be able to contribute your talent and skills or be the boss of your own company.

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